China is known as the global manufacturing center, and leather goods OEM is also very good. The quality and technology of leather goods OEM in Guangdong are relatively mature. In the early years, many foreign luxury bags looked for domestic OEMs, and then gradually moved back. With the shrinking of globalization in the post-epidemic era, leather goods OEM production has also been affected, but it is undeniable that they were once glorious. The stalls in Guangzhou Baiyun Leather City also made a lot of money every month. The factories that produced these stalls were the ones that did OEM for big brands in the early years.
Now many channels have turned to online. If you are a customer who runs a bag store or an online store, you think that the styles outside are similar, and the price of getting goods outside is very expensive, or by chance you know that you can make original styles. Although you are not a professional fashion designer, you also have your own ideas to make your own styles. How do you do it? Perhaps a reliable and worry-free processing factory can help you solve this trouble, but you can also understand what the internal process is like, so that you can control it.
As a professional leather goods manufacturer, let’s talk about the whole process of the recent popular luggage production communication.
① Provide original or style pictures
Specific process requirements, length, proportion, outline, the more detailed the better, if there are special requirements, specific text descriptions (thickness, version, fabric, etc.).
② Factory proofing
We will have professional personnel to match fabrics, accessories, hardware, etc. according to the style to make a sample.
③ Bag process finalization
If you are satisfied with the sample, the basic process is finalized and can be shipped in batches.
You can also lock in multiple processes, and use different processes to make the same style, which will be different in price and duration.
There are many kinds of processes on the market. When you communicate with us, you can explain in advance what process to use. Different processes have different processing difficulties and different delivery cycles.
④ About price
When we receive customer information in the early stage, we will give a rough price range first. Some customers will ask about the price right away, so we can’t quote because there are many factors that affect the price, such as different fabrics have different processing difficulties, different processes, different quantities, etc.
What you must know is: the more quantity, the lower the price. The cost will decrease as the quantity increases, so do as much as you can, and do as much as you can.
⑤ About packaging and transportation
The packaging of bags, especially big brands, is very delicate. Factories only make the main body of bags. If delicate packaging is required, the cost will increase. Generally, delicate packaging is not done. Waterproof tissue paper, etc., and a dust bag are added. This is also communicated with customers.
Summary: Now there are big brands per capita on the street, and everyone’s consumption has been downgraded. They are more willing to spend money on the blade, agree with brand styles, and are increasingly indifferent to brand premiums. More and more people are looking for original factories, original hardware, and raw materials to make products. Spending money on raw materials seems to be the current mainstream consumption. OEM factories have also begun to adapt to the Internet model and start to ship one piece at a time. Tomorrow will be better, right?